ShadFest Poster Auction Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are a business or individual who would like to sponsor this event, please know Delaware River Towns Charities, the non-profit that funds and administers the Jim Hamilton Memorial ShadFest Scholarship, is a 501c3 organization and all donations are 100% tax deductible.
Give an Artist Prize
Artist Prizes are $400 cash prizes given to selected poster artists who donate original works of art to the ShadFest Poster Auction. The prizes are awarded in a number of categories and the winners selected by a panel of three art professionals. As the poster prize donor, you can create your own category or select from one of the already established categories. You will have an opportunity to present your prize to the artist at the Friday night preview party and have a photo for social media and promotional purposes. This is a great way for a business or individual to support the artists who make our community the creative, amazing place that it is.
Create a Legacy Prize
Some families choose to honor a loved one who had a passion for the scholarship or the art community in general with Legacy Artist Prize. If you would like to create a named legacy prize for someone, the committee will work with you to come up with a category that would be meaningful to your family. For instance, a long-time gallery owner has a named prize for Best Emerging Artist as emerging artists were a passion of hers during her lifetime. If you want to do this, you should plan to make a contribution of at least $3,000 either from your own funds or by asking friends and family for memorial donations in the name of your loved one.
Sponsor the Auction
In order to ensure that 100% of the proceeds garnered from the sale of the artists' work goes to support the scholarship, we solicit businesses each year for operating capital. This money pays for facility rental, poster boards, prize ribbons, credit card processing fees, and signage printing. The scholarship staff is 100% volunteer. If you choose to sponsor the auction at the $5,000 or $2,500 level we will work with you to create a meaningful presence for you at the auction through signage, exposure on our social media pages, and the opportunity to have a table in the auction room to promote your business.
Give Cash
If you just want to give us some money, we will take it and turn it into art by giving more and larger scholarships to create the next generation of artists in the Delaware River Valley.
Contact us to learn more and become a ShadFest Poster Auction sponsor.